RAM’s Medicare Advantage-in-a-Box offering is unique in the industry; the product of RAM’s extensive experience in Medicare Advantage and an unwavering commitment to changing our industry. HEALTHsuite Advantage™ and eHealthsuite™ are the cornerstones of our pre-configured Medicare Advantage-in-a-Box offering. HEALTHsuite Advantage is a fully integrated suite of modules providing our clients with an unmatched solution to administer their Medicare Advantage and Special Needs Plans (SNP’s). HEALTHsuite Advantage delivers everything from fully automated Enrollment capabilities to Encounter Reporting and everything in between in a fully integrated solution.
HEALTHsuite Advantage is comprised of fully integrated modules designed to administer your Medicare Advantage plans including: plans / products and benefits, enrollment & eligibility, premium billing, provider data management, provider contracting & reimbursement, medical and utilization management, encounter and claims administration, customer service, and more. HEALTHsuite Advantage also supports the bi-directional exchange of information with CMS including: BEQ/BEQR, Enrollment and Disenrollment Submissions, DTRR, Premium Reconciliation, LIS and LEP integration with Premium Billing, RAPS / EDPS submissions, EDPS Corrections and Resubmissions and more…
Our Member and Provider portals offer robust self-service functionality and leverage the same database as HEALTHsuite Advantage, ensuring real-time access to their information, saving time and valuable plan resources.
Our strategic alliance partners are hand-picked industry leaders providing value-added capabilities to enrich our solution. Find out more about our premier partners and the extended capabilities we can offer to your plan.
RAM is committed to keeping our solution and clients in compliance with CMS. We actively monitor CMS updates ensuring our delivered solution will remain in compliance with new and evolving regulations.
HEALTHsuite Advantage is a highly configurable solution built on a state-of-the-art scalable technology platform. RAM is the only vendor exclusively focused on providing world-class software solutions to health plans who administer Medicare Advantage health insurance. And unlike other software vendors, our product roadmap is never cluttered or “bogged down” with other features – allowing our capabilities for the administration of government sponsored healthcare to remain ahead of the herd.
Interested in a Hosted, On-premise, full or partial BPaaS deployment? Ask us about the options we offer to meet your specific business needs.
Ready to learn more? Request a demo today.
Ready to learn more? Request a demo today.